Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Spirituality: Astrotheology: Jesus the Sun of God

Once upon a time, an angel visited the Virgin Mary and asked her to accept the Holy Spirit and be impregnated by God; and so, Jesus was conceived of a virgin and God. When the time of birth neared, Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem and on December 25th, Jesus was born. His birth was announced by a star in the east which three kings followed to the place of his birth to bring him gifts and adore him.

When Jesus turned twelve he began teaching in the temple. He eventually acquired twelve disciples and roamed around teaching and performing miracles. As an adult he was captured by the Romans and crucified. He died on the cross and was placed in a tomb where he stayed for three days, then was resurrected and ascended into heaven.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus and Christianity are represented by the symbol of the fish. Moses is likewise represented by the ram in the Old Testament. This is evident through the Jewish tradition of blowing the ram’s horn. So what we have here is a bare-bones look at the life of Jesus and the acknowledgment that he followed Moses as the central figure of Judea-Christian religions. Fair enough?

I am not writing this to argue whether or not Jesus existed. What I am going to tell you is how the details of his life are a fabrication, modeled entirely on older religions which are actually stories detailing the movement of the stars. Jesus was indeed the Sun of God, as were many before him.

First of all, let us take a look at the zodiac. The zodiac is a calendar that represents the sun, the solstices, the equinoxes, and the twelve months of the year. Each month is represented by a constellation such as Aquarius who brings water in the spring or Virgo who represents the harvest in the fall. In addition to representing individual months, the signs of the zodiac also represent different ages. Ages occur approximately every 2150 years and are determined by the procession of the equinoxes, meaning that every 2150 years, the morning of the spring equinox occurs under a different constellation of the zodiac calendar. This is due to an angular wobble in the earth’s rotation.

If we look at the ages as they have passed through history, we can see that from 4300-2150 BC, earth was experiencing the age of Taurus the Bull. From 2150 BC-1 AD, it was the age of the Aries the Ram. We already discussed the idea that Moses is represented by the symbol of the ram. Do you remember when Moses descended from the mountain with the Ten Commandments and found that his followers had constructed a golden calf? He becomes enraged, right? It seems reasonable that the Ram would be a little ticked off that his people were still honoring the Bull. If we take it a step further we find that the next age is the age of Pisces the Fish which lasts from 1 AD-2150 AD. Pisces, the fish, is the symbol of Jesus. The twelve disciples of Jesus are also representative of the twelve months of the year and the twelve signs of the zodiac.

Now let us take a closer look at the details of the life of Jesus. The birth of Jesus is heralded by a star in the east which three kings followed to find him. The star in the east is Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky on December 24th. On this night, Sirius falls directly in line with the three stars in Orion’s Belt which are called the Three Kings. If you draw a line, through the Three Kings and Sirius down to the horizon, you will be pointing directly to the point at which the sun rises on December 25th. Therefore, Three Kings follow the star in the east to the place of the birth of the Sun.

So why was this an important enough date to be immortalized by an elaborate story, told and retold throughout history? There is another interesting phenomenon that occurs at this time of year. As the seasons progress, the sun, as visible from the northern hemisphere, proceeds south across the horizon. This occurs gradually over a period of six months until December 22nd. On this day, the sun stops moving perceptively to the south and appears to stay in place for a period of three days before beginning its journey back. For these three days of immobility, the sun is located directly beneath the Southern Cross. Therefore, the sun dies on the cross and is dead for three days before being resurrected and ascending into the heavens.

This would have been very important to the ancient people of the world because it heralded the gradual lengthening of the days and the symbolic winning of the light over darkness. We celebrate this event at Easter because Easter occurs at the Spring Equinox, the time of year when day is finally longer then night.

The story of Jesus is based on the story of sun gods that stretch all the way back through recorded history. The Egyptians had Horace, who was the Son of God, born of a virgin on December 25th, was dead for three days and was resurrected. In addition to the Egyptians, the Greeks, Romans and Indians all had figures in their beliefs that followed this same archetype. So either history has been repeating itself with eerie specificity or humanity has simply found new ways to relate the same story. The purpose of which was to remember an important movement in the heavens.


1 comment:

Star Larvae said...

After reading this post, I think you might be interested in further explications of astrotheology (trans-Christian) and futurological explications at my site